ECR French Nineteenth-Century Art Network Research Forum: La médaille et le jury de récompense au Salon (1848–1880)
3 May 2023 // 1700 (BST) // 1800 (CEST) // 1200 (EDT)
Devenues systématiques au début du XIXe siècle, les médailles distribuées à l’Exposition de peinture et de sculpture de Paris permettent de récompenser et de distinguer certains envois de la masse des œuvres exposées. Elles forment un enjeu particulièrement conséquent dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, alors qu’explose le nombre d'exposants et de prétendants à la carrière artistique, comme en témoigne l’instauration, en 1848, d’un jury de récompense. Le but de cette conférence sera alors d’examiner les diverses modalités d’attribution de la médaille entre 1848 et 1880. Selon un découpage chronologique, elle présentera la manière dont est composé le jury de récompense ; le nombre et les éventuels quotas relatifs aux médailles distribuées ; les multiples catégories et sommes associées à la médaille ; les prérogatives (droit de vote, exemption) auxquelles celle-ci donne droit.
Docteure en histoire de l'art, Claire Dupin de Beyssat s’intéresse aux parcours, aux pratiques et aux profils des peintres exposant au Salon de peinture et de sculpture de Paris dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle. Sa thèse effectuait ainsi une prosopographie des peintres médaillés entre 1848 et 1880, en adoptant une approche quantitative et en s’appuyant sur une base de données publiée sur le web.
Institutionalized at the beginning of the 19th century, the medals distributed at the Paris Exposition of Painting and Sculpture made it possible for certain submissions to be rewarded and distinguished from amongst the mass of exposed works. They were a particularly important issue in the second half of the nineteenth century, when the number of exhibitors and aspiring artists exploded, as evidenced by the 1848 establishment of an award jury. The purpose of this paper, then, is to examine the various methods of awarding the medal between 1848 and 1880. Through a chronological breakdown, it will show how the award jury was composed; the number and any quotas relating to the medals distributed; the multiple categories and sums associated with the medal; and the honors (the right to vote, exemption) to which the winner of the medal was entitled.
A doctor in Art History, Claire Dupin de Beyssat is interested in the careers, practices, and profiles of painters exhibiting at the Paris Salon in the second half of the nineteenth century. Accordingly, her thesis carried out a prosopography of medal-winning painters between 1848 and 1880, adopting a quantitative approach and relying on a database.
•• This talk will be given in French followed by a Q&A in English and French ••
This event will take place at 1700 BST
This is a virtual event - the Zoom link will be sent out on the day. For any issues please get in contact via email and we will try and help as best we can.
This event is open to anyone with an interest in the topic discussed.
About the Research Forum: ECR French Nineteenth-Century Art Network Research Forum is a virtually held research forum that allows recent PhD graduates, early career researchers as well as research fellows to present their most recent research. The forum aims to expose new and emerging scholarship and scholars engaging in exciting areas of research. The sessions will last around one hour, including an opportunity for questions and answers after the presentation. The events are open to all.
About the Network: The network is formed of current PhD students and ECRs working in nineteenth-century visual culture. We have monthly sessions for ECRs to present virtually , allowing them to develop their skills and share their research. It is global, open to those located anywhere in the world who wish to join. Feel free to join and participate, and we hope to create an engaging, diverse, fun and rewarding community.
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