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Publishing for ECR’s

ECR French Nineteenth-Century Art Network: Publishing for ECR’s

26 Jan 1600 (GMT) / 1700 (CET) / 1100 (EST)

Have you thought about turning your doctoral thesis into a book? Is it something you've considering but you could use some advice? Our January Network Event hopes to dispell some of the myths, ease over any concerns or fears and provide an opportunity for you to ask questions and discuss how to publish your thesis. We will be welcoming four speakers, all of whom are in various stages of publshing their dissertations from forming a proposal, writing and editing additional chapters, to those who have sucessfully negotiated the pubishing industry and come out with a book on the other side. We will be dissing how to formulate a book proposal, which publisher is best for you, how to edit your chapters, adding new chapters, deciding on your audience, choosing cover art, as well as a any other questions you may have. We will also welcome discussion and contributions so please formaulate some ideas, questions, and answers

We welcome four key speakers who are all in various stages of the publishing process; Dr. Hannah Halliwell, Dr. Lucy Whelan, and Dr. Shana Cooperstein.

This is a virtual event - the Zoom link will be sent out on the day. For any issues please get in contact via email and we will try and help as best we can.

The network will meet (roughly) once a month virtually via Zoom. It is open to current PhD and research students as well as ECR's who have recently graduated and are making their way in the world of academia/museums/education/arts or heritage. It is global, open to those located anywhere in the world who wish to join. Feel free to join, participate and we hope to create an engaging, diverse, fun and rewarding community.

23 November

ECR French Nineteenth-Century Art Network: Curating the Nineteenth Century

23 March

Expanding the Discourse: Gender & Queerness in Nineteenth-Century France