The street has long held a fascination for artists intrigued by the drama of urban life. As a stage for social display, as a locus of consumerism, and as an arena of sociability, it holds an enduring allure - perhaps nowhere more so than in the 'City of Light'. Impressionist depictions of the Grands Boulevards, the Baudelairean phenomenon of the flaneur, and the image of Toulouse-Lautrec's lithographic posters illuminated by street lamps, all flicker into view when we think of the Parisian street. We want to explore some of these artistic responses in this session, and also to consider new ways in which we might understand, and discuss, this popular subject matter. Please get in touch if you have any ideas!
This event is open to current PhD's and Early Career Researchers.
Erinn Gavaghan (University of Oklahoma) - 'Vache Enragée: Early Performance Art in Montmartre'
Jessican Thomas (Chester) - 'The Language of the Walls: Advertising in Second Empire Paris'
This is a virtual event - the Zoom link will be sent out on the day. For any issues please get in contact via email and we will try and help as best we can.
The network will meet (roughly) once a month virtually via Zoom. It is open to current PhD and research students as well as ECR's who have recently graduated and are making their way in the world of academia/museums/education/arts or heritage. It is global, open to those located anywhere in the world who wish to join. Feel free to join, participate and we hope to create an engaging, diverse, fun and rewarding community.